Herniated Disc Treatment/ Slipped Disc Treatment

Painful herniated disc illness is a problem also known as Slipped Disc in common. The shock-absorbing cushions between each pair of vertebrae in your spine are called intervertebral discs. Each disc has a nucleus pulposus, a soft, gelatinous centre, and an outside, sturdy ring of fibres known as the annulus. The nucleus of the disc acts as the primary shock absorber for the nearby vertebrae.

The soft nucleus pulposus can extend into the spinal canal if the outer (annular) ring of the disc tears. A herniated disc, also known as a ruptured disc or a prolapsed disc, is a frequent and painful condition. The spinal cord or a nerve root may be compressed by the nucleus pulposus' protrusion. Additionally, a ruptured disc may exude fluid that irritates the nerve roots. Herniated discs can therefore become very painful.

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What treatments are offered?

The first phase in rehabilitation is conservative nonsurgical treatment, which might include medication, rest, physical therapy, at-home exercises, hydrotherapy, epidural steroid injections (ESI), chiropractic adjustments, and pain management. 80% of back pain sufferers experience improvement and a return to regular activities after six weeks of treatment when a team approach is used. If you don't improve after trying conservative measures, your doctor can suggest surgery.

Surgical Procedures

If conservative therapy are ineffective at considerably alleviating your symptoms, surgery for a herniated lumbar disc, known as a discectomy, may be a possibility. If you exhibit symptoms of nerve injury, such as weakness or numbness in your legs, surgery may also be advised.

Microsurgical Discectomy: After a discectomy, about 80–85% of patients make a full recovery and can resume their regular jobs in 6–8 weeks.

Microendoscopic Minimally Invasive Discectomy: This procedure harms muscles less than a standard discectomy.