Spinal Fracture

Osteoporosis and traumas such as falls, sports injuries, or car accidents are common causes of A spinal fracture Most spinal fractures do not require surgery, but you may be required to wear a brace for several months. Severe spinal fractures, on the other hand, will require surgical repair.

Types of Spinal Fracture

Fractures occur when more pressure is applied to a bone than it can withstand. A vertebral body compression fracture is the most common type of spine fracture. The body of the vertebrae is shattered and collapses as a result of a sudden downward force. A burst fracture occurs when bone fragments enter the spinal canal as a result of a strong enough force.

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People with osteoporosis, tumours, and certain types of cancer that weaken bone are at risk of vertebral compression fractures (VCF). The fracture looks as a wedge-shaped collapse of the vertebra. Multiple VCFs can result in kyphosis, a forward hunch of the spine.

Dislocations occur when the ligaments and/or discs that connect two vertebrae are pushed, causing the bones to change of alignment. For example, when the upper body moves quickly forward against a seat belt, the vertebrae are pulled apart and the ligaments are stretched. Instability and spinal cord compression can result from a dislocated vertebra. They usually necessitate stabilisation surgery or the use of a brace.

Fracture-dislocations happen when a bone is broken and the ligaments are torn These fractures are typically unstable, severely debilitating, and are frequently surgically repaired.