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What is a Backache or Back Pain?

The majority of people will have back discomfort at least once in their lifetime. A complex system of bones, muscles, nerves, and joints make up your back. A malfunction with one of these components is what causes back discomfort.

It is a musculoskeletal condition that can manifest in various ways, including:

  • It can gradually get worse or start suddenly if you fall or lift something too heavy
  • It can range from being barely uncomfortable to being extremely painful;
  • It can range from a slow, persistent ache to a sudden, acute pain that makes mobility impossible
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What signs ? indicate back pain

Back pain can occur anywhere along your spine, from your neck down to your hips, although it most frequently occurs in the lumbar (lower back) region.

The following are signs of back pain:

  • Muscular discomfort and spasms
  • Tightness, soreness, and stiffness; discomfort that travels down your legs; restricted back flexibility or range of motion.

What are the risk factors for back pain?

There are various risk factors that may make you more likely to experience back discomfort. These consist of:

  • Ageing - wear and tear or a degenerative condition can reduce bone density, reduce the elasticity and tone of your muscles, and reduce the fluid and flexibility of your intervertebral discs.
  • Being overweight — carrying too much weight strains your spine.
  • Smoking - your back's tissues may become damaged. Additionally, smokers frequently lead unhealthy lifestyles compared to non-smokers.
  • Physical fitness - Back discomfort is less frequent among physically healthy persons. Fitness helps preserve the strength of the intervertebral discs and the muscles in the back and abdomen.
  • Pregnancy - carrying a baby around adds extra weight, which can strain your back.
  • Profession - Sitting all day at a desk job with inadequate back support or bad posture can cause back discomfort, as can jobs that require heavy lifting.
  • Having a mental disorder, such as stress, anxiety, or depression

Why do you get back pain?

Back pain that doesn't have a clear cause is called non-specific back pain and occurs frequently. There are occasions when it's brought on by an interference with the regular operation of muscles, ligaments, cartilage, or an aggravated or pinched nerve. Minor injuries, overused muscles, and strains and sprains can all contribute to this. Back discomfort can occasionally be brought on by more severe spinal disease or injury.

Back pain is frequently caused by a variety of conditions, such as:

  • A slipped disc : which can cause a nerve to be squeezed when the soft material inside an intervertebral disc bulges or ruptures. If the sciatic nerve is pressed, this condition is referred to as sciatica.
  • Degenerative disc disease : As we age, the intervertebral discs' structural integrity and cushioning capacity can deteriorate.
  • Spondylolisthesis : which occurs when a vertebra falls out of position and pins a nerve.
  • Spinal stenosis : which causes pressure on the spinal cord and nerves due to the spinal column's constriction.

How should I deal with back pain?

The majority of the time, back discomfort resolves on its own without medical attention. You might attempt a few self-help techniques to ease back pain and hasten your recovery. These consist of:

  • Continue your everyday routines; try to stay active. Your back becomes stronger and more flexible as you exercise, and endorphins, which are natural painkillers, are released.
  • Over-the-counter analgesics such ibuprofen or paracetamol.
  • Heat or cold - these treatments may relax tense muscles and ease pain.
  • Get a good night's sleep; switching positions while you're in bed may help ease the tension on your back.
  • Unwind and keep a positive outlook to reduce muscle tension and heal more quickly.

When should I visit a physician?

If your back pain has persisted for more than six weeks, isn't improving with self-help methods, or is even getting worse, it's best to schedule an appointment with your doctor for an evaluation. If you have a history of cancer or osteoporosis, or if this is the first time you've experienced back pain after turning 50, you should also visit your doctor.

What back pain tests are available?

To assist identify the source of your back discomfort, your doctor may ask for more tests. The most typical diagnostic exams are:

  • X-rays - these scans display your bones' alignment as well as any signs of arthritis, fractures, or tumours.
  • CT scan - produces detailed cross-sectional images of the spine's bones and can spot herniated discs or issues with the blood vessels, muscles, tendons, nerves, ligaments, or bones.
  • An MRI scan gives precise pictures of your nerve roots, intervertebral discs, and vertebrae. MRIs are frequently employed to correctly identify spinal diseases and rule out malignancies or infections in the area.

What kind of back pain can be diagnosed?

Back discomfort is frequently attributed to:

  • Spinal muscle or ligament strain, which is frequently brought on by repetitive heavy lifting or jarring rapid movements.
  • Bulging or ruptured discs: If the sciatic nerve is inflamed, the inner core of the disc may seep out and irritate a nearby nerve root, leading to sciatica.
  • Vertebral slippage, or spondylolisthesis, which results in nerve compression.
  • Arthritis: Degeneration caused by conditions like osteoarthritis can cause spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the area around the spinal cord.
  • Unusual spine curves, such as the sideward curvature of the spine in scoliosis.
  • Osteoporosis: Your vertebrae become porous and fragile, making compression fractures easier to form.

Which surgical procedures are available to treat back pain?

Back operations can be performed to treat different types of back pain. To achieve the best results for you, they are occasionally used in combination. Back surgery may be necessary to release pressure from a pinched nerve, stabilise nearby vertebrae, or correct a deformity like scoliosis.

  • Spinal fusion : which in
  • volves uniting two or more vertebrae with a piece of bone to strengthen and stabilise your spine.
  • Discectomy : the removal of herniated or prolapsed disc material from the spine that is pushing on a nerve. Historically completed with open surgery, however today a minimally invasive procedure termed microdiscectomy is frequently employed.
  • Laminectomy : This procedure involves removing a portion of bone from a vertebra that is pushing on a nerve in the spine.
  • Lumbar spinal decompression : a procedure to increase the space around the nerve root. Spinal fusion, discectomy, and laminectomy are three techniques that can be used to perform it.
  • Artificial discs : a less invasive option for uncomfortable movement between vertebrae than spinal fusion.

Will the pain come back?

Acute back pain may come back every now and then, depending upon its cause. If you’re managing chronic pain using non-surgical treatments, you may still experience pain as these options are not a cure but used to reduce the level of your pain and inflammation. Pain relieving injections may last around three months.

Dr. Ashish Dagar is counted among one of the most famed & experienced Back Pain Doctors in Gurgaon. Best Back Pain Treatment Hospital in Gurgaon Sector 52, 90, led by Back Pain Surgery specialist Gurgaon.

If you’ve had surgery, then the pain resulting specifically to your back pain surgery should not return.